When we truly love someone, we give our best and let that person see the pureness of our intentions. But sometimes, that person makes us cry and hurts us for the wrong reasons. That someone must have loved us, but he has not loved us enough to make him stand for what he truly felt. Now, we are faced with the seemingly impossible task of forgetting. We have burdened ourselves long enough. But we still can’t get out from this emotional trap.
- Joe D' Mango
11 Sept 2012
Dear, you...
Um.. Where should I begin?
Were you busy today? Did you have any fun today?
This morning I woke up, my mind went straight thinking about you. I don't know why it keeps happening to me. I am still trying to be patient, waiting for one day I will understand.
My work went okay. Kinda busy though. Yah begitulah, office-works. Cubicle desk job types. There is almost nothing new. Just some routines that go over and over again every day, every week.
Which is actually, triggered some thoughts in the afternoon, when I got some time talking with Erni. Intinya sih she gave me some advices that are actually pretty good, but comes with heavy emotional burden on me if I actually want to take it. At times like this, I usually have you to discuss things with, which makes me even more sadder today.
Since you left, I have no one to get me going. To get me excited about things. To get me fired up over something. Seems like I have nothing left to wake me up. I'm not saying I am forgetting God. I know, God will still guide me and I believe in Him. I am not worried much as I believe. But it's a totally different thing and it's better when I have you around too, because for me, you make me wanting to be a better person. With myself, and the thoughts of just being with myself, I'm not really ambitious to get more. Is that stupid?
Wishing so bad I can talk to you right now :'( , bahkan diskusi pun tidak perlu. Hanya mendengar suaramu saja akan menenangkanku :'(.
On a lighter note, funny thing happened this morning. I got a call from unknown number on my mobile, and it was a girl asking for you. Entahlah dia mungkin mau promosi atau mau checking something, katanya sih dari bagian IBIS Hotel , dan mau follow up profilingmu karena pernah check-in sometime in May, I guess they really keep records of their guests. Funny is she thought I am your secretary he he he he.....
Anyway, ada hal baru nih.. :p I am hunting Happy Meals again (^^)v. Tadi lihat promo McD di Twitter, mainan barunya Doraemon o(^o^)o ! Lucu-lucuuu... Ada 6 jenis mainan, 4 doraemon, 1 dorami, 1 pintu ajaib, but i think i'm just gonna get the doraemon. Dorami juga ga papa sih. :)
I already got 2 tonight.
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CUTE, huh?!?! (^^) |
Lucunya, tadinya aku tidak tahu, apa itu fungsi dari kartu-kartu yang ada di dalamnya. Tadinya mungkin kupikir, maybe it's like a collectible card, which I don't really give a damn about it. Tapi setelah kulihat-lihat lagi di bagian belakangnya, sepertinya ada bisa dibikin digabungin jadi satu gambar.
Well I haven't got the others yet so I don't know what the picture will look like. That if I really care about the card, I truly only care about the Doraemon toys. (^0^) not that I LOVE him so much, (well I like him...) but because the toys look so cute that makes me want to get it. I probably have a glass container one day, to put all my Happy Meals toys together.
OH YA! I have to tell you about this, aku tadi ke McD ajak biasa, Matthew (my first nephew, if anyone else reading this and doesn't know who the dunk is that) and the gang, which mean his father (my brother) and mother (my sister-in-law, of course, duh?) without the newborn. Karena plan'nya hanya untuk ke McD, I got an idea right before we went out. To bring Zorro with us.
Zorro sudah jarang keluar rumah kan ya. Terakhir kali ya sewaktu aku bawa dia ke tempat biasa kita itu, dan bertemu kamu. Bulan lalu, I think? And of course karena dia memang biasa kita bawa jalan-jalan, he always gets super excited and wants to go out. So, tonight I thought it's okay to bring him. Lagian hanya ke McD sebentar. Things went great on the way there. Zorro could sit quietly, looking out the windows. Barked few times to a becak-rider. Looking around. Tapi sewaktu sudah sampai ke McD, dan aku mau bawa dia, entahlah dia merasa seperti ketakutan. Turun dari mobil, dia anxious. Seperti kebingungan, tidak mau dibawa kemana-mana, cemas, menggonggong ke orang sekitar. Tadi sekitar 8.30 jadi masih agak banyak orang. Karena dia benar-benar ga mau aku bawa tarik, akhirnya ya udah aku putuskan untuk dia stay di dalam mobil aja. Kenapa ya dia begitu, padahal kalau dibawa di siang hari, dia biasa aja. Mungkin karena dia belum terbiasa keluar di malam hari ya? Gelap kan, so he might be scared.
It's good though, he could wait patiently in the car, such a good boy, so I shared a burger and a flurry icecream with him. :)
I got this BM this morning, and I also want to share it with you, because I thought it might be good for both of us.
" Sebuah perahu dibuat untuk berada di tengah lautan, bukan hanya diam di dermaga.
Demikian juga manusia diciptakan untuk mengarungi kehidupan, bukan berdiam dan menunggu kehidupan ini berakhir.
Di dalam mengarungi kehidupan, akan banyak ombak dan badai yang akan dihadapi, tapi disitulah inti seni dari kehidupan. Terus kembangkan layar dan nikmati perjalanan hingga sampai tujuan.
Jangan takut salah, apalagi untuk hal yang kita yakini benar. Karena setiap kesalahan pun adalah bagian dari proses pembentukan. Indahnya kehidupan bukan dari banyaknya kesenangan, tapi pada semampunya kita untuk bersyukur.
BERKAT adalah saat kita kuat dalam keadaan putus asa dan tetap bersyukur saat tak punya apa-apa.
Bisa tetap tersenyum saat diremehkan.
Bisa tetap sabar meski berat.
Bisa tetap setia meski ditinggalkan.
Bisa tetap damai tatkala situasi sulit. "
Keep praying, God will guide us all.
Miss you...
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