Sunday, November 19, 2006

to love or to be loved ...

Every girl dreams about prince charming.
Every girl dreams about living her life happily ever after.
Every girl dreams about true love.
Every girl dreams about the kiss that will sweep her feet off.
and so on ...

wasn't it much a happier moment when those thoughts / dreams were in our minds ?
is it even possible, and isn't it much more simple if we just meet someone, like him/her, he/she likes us back, with blessings ?

fairytales ..
They're just really giving too much empty words.

Only happen in few people.
Leaving huge amount of people wondering and struggling their way in to get them.
Sometimes some people love but not be loved back, and be loved but can't love back.
And sometimes, there are few people left heartbroken.
For true love doesn't come cheap. For true love needs a war.

But if there is someone that assures you will to live good, he/she is the only one that really loves you and understands you and accepts you for the way you are, but you're not sure whether you actually can love him/her, because you don't know and so sick to find out what love is anymore,

will you choose to be with them ?
or continue to look for those empty words of fairytales ?