Friday, August 31, 2007

belajar parkir

dari bloghopping, nemu satu web bagus ...

ada 5 level .. kita harus markir-in mobil pake keyboard .. yah belajar parkir gitu lah ..
aku maen sampe 2 jam lebih ..
karena aku nyoba-nyoba terus gaya parkir yang berbeda .. dari depan, dari belakang, maju, mundur ..

i love driving .. tapi aku gak jago parkir lurus nih !!! (di level pertama)

baik di game, maupun di kehidupan nyata ..
parkir yang lain-lainnya sih masih oke lah bisa ..

tapi kalau disuruh parkir lurus diantara 2 mobil, ama parkir mundur ...
nah pusink deh saya.....

aku dulu les nyetir, gak dapet pelajaran parkir yang mantap ..
dan setelah itu, gak punya kesempatan banyak untuk latihan jg ..
karena gak ada mobil pribadi sih .. dan juga keluarga punya sopir yang bawel dan rese, males deh .. paling aku cuma make tuh mobil kalau jemput mama dari kerja .. standar lah jalan biasa..

kalau malem, mau latihan, males ah .. udah ada koko yang nyetir, ya saya jadi penumpang aja.. :p

PS : ada yang mau ajarin saya parkir gak ??

Thursday, August 30, 2007

benjolan aneh

i woke up yesterday ..
everything went normal ..
after yawning for some minutes, i walked to my computer desk ..
checked my messenger, replied some messages, opened web-email and ..

then i went to the bathroom ..
peed, picked up Candy's poo (~_~), and flushed the toilet ...

then i got to the desk again ..
as usual, browsing kaskus :p
i didn't notice in the first time that there's something wrong with me ..
well, because i was wearing a jacket with long sleeve ..

there's something in my hand ..
anybody know what this is ??

seperti luka bakar yah ?
berisi semacam liquid .. kuning bening ..
tanya-tanya ama temen-temen di forum, gak ada yang tahu jg..
gak gatel sih.. jadi gak mungkin cacar air ..
sakit ? gak jg.. kalau gak kesenggol keras gak papa kok.. kalau ditepok2 dan ditoel2 ya perih dikit..
merah-merahnya jg skrg rada ilang sedikit, gak segede waktu di foto ..
dilemma ... pecah gak yah ? pecah gak yah ??

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nanya2 deh di forum ..

ada yang bilang pecah aja..
ada yang bilang suruh nunggu kempes sendiri ..
a friend told me, beli salep obat bakar di apotik dulu, biar nanti gak bekas waktu mecahnya..
yaah kayanya sih bakal aku pecah deh dalam 2 hari ini..

heran.. kok bisa tiba-tiba ada ginian ..
aku jg gak tahu .. (~_~)
apakah digigit sesuatu ?
oh noooooo......

kemaren ini nemu satu insect sih .. tapi lom sempet bunuh dia udah kabur..
apa karena itu yah ? hmmm.....
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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

hidup segan , mati pun tak mau ...

haiz ... gimana yah ....... Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

YouTube is amazing !!

We can find anything , and i mean ANYTHING there ..
Just now, I watched Empat Mata, and I looked at the box beside the video that has links to other videos.
At the top, of course there were links to Empat Mata's shows.
But then I scrolled down, and I found a phrase that's kinda disturbing.

" nyukur jembut " Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Aku terbengong-bengong selama 2 menit, sambil membayangkan dan mikir, ni orang gila yah kaya ginian ditampilin ?
Somehow, aku jadi penasaran heuheuhue... Seperti apa yah :D

Aku paused Empat Mata-nya, lalu aku buka video itu di tab baru.
Silakan ditonton juga kalau berminat. :D
Tenang, disensor kok.

Ternyata gak seperti yang aku bayangkan.
Ternyata itu cuplikan dari show TV, semacam stunt action, kaya MTV Whatever Things gitu deh.
Beberapa orang melakukan aksi berani dan gila.
About that video, ada 3 cewe. Mereka keluar ke halaman, disitu ada satu mobil.
Satu cewe bersedia untuk buka celana.
Then they did this "experiment".
Mereka punya wax, dan wax paper ditempel di sudut belakang mobil (gak tahu namanya apa ~_~).

Satu cewe masuk ke mobil, cewe lain bertugas mengoleskan wax ke pubic hair cewe yang buka celana.
Setelah diolesin, cewe itu nempelin ke wax paper yang udah diselotip ke mobil itu.
Lalu mereka menghitung 1.. 2.. 3..
Hitungan ke 3, cewe yang di dalam mobil akan jalanin mobilnya.
Cewe yang di wax diam di tempat, lalu yaaah... pubic hair nya akan kewax.
Tonton sendiri aja lah biar lebih jelas :D.
Yang jelas sih mereka gila banget deh, berani bikin gituan heuheuhue.
Cukup menghibur.

Anyway, sebenernya tadi awalnya gak berniat bahas itu sih.
Errr.. dari situ, aku YouTube-hopping. Dari judulnya, ternyata kelink dengan tag seperti memek & vagina.
Dari tag-tag itu, somehow banyak muncul video-video kelahiran.
Semua video memperlihatkan proses kelahiran dari awal sampai akhir.
Dilating, head crowning, bleeding, placenta, etc. Everything !
Somehow aku jadi terobsesi sesaat, aku tontonin banyak video tentang natural birth.
Prosesnya cepet yah kalau sudah full dilated 10 cm.
Yah kontraksinya sih lama, tp kalau sudah, kepala-kepala bayi langung mbrojol cepet gitu.
Berbeda-beda yah, ada yang berdarah-darah, ada yang sepertinya gak terlalu banyak mengeluarkan darah, bahkan ada yang sepertinya slimy-slimy gitu.

Lalu ada satu video, panjang.
Sekitar 50 menit lebih.
Ternyata yang panjang itu, video operasi caesar.
Juga ditunjukkin jelas dari awal, dari proses incision, sampai bayi keluar, dll. Dijelasin dari awal.
Semacam dokumentari gitu deh.
Tapi kalau dilihat, sepertinya caesar lebih berdarah-darah.

Setelah melihat 2 proses itu, aku jadi ngebandingin.
Kalau natural birth kayanya lebih ke slimy, operasi caesar itu lebih bleeding.
Natural birth prosesnya sakit, tapi setelah keluar, lega.
Kalau operasi, prosesnya gak sakit, tapi setelah itu baru sakit.
Kira-kira enak yang mana yah ?

Selama ini aku selalu membayangkan akan punya anak dengan natural birth sih.
Tapi ada kepikiran jg, setelah melihat semua itu, apa aku sanggup ? Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
One line that stucks in my head when I was watching, " Oh my God ! MOM, how could you do this ?! Three times !! ".

Sorry, aku cuma amazed aja ama perjuangan wanita-wanita untuk melahirkan.


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Thursday, August 09, 2007


Last week, it was my mom's 62nd birthday.
I called her at night and we ended up talking for hours.
It was nice.
It's been a while and i do miss her, and the fact that we didn't argue as usual , just makes it even nicer.
We talked about lots of things.
Mostly about families.
She talked about some of my relatives, and their plans, their lives.
And also some of my friends...

In the end,when i hung up, i don't know why, i was sad.
At that second, it's just struck me,
I just realized, I'm the only one in the family, or even maybe in my society, who doesn't even have a plan.
All those goals and achievements that a nearly 22 years old woman should have,
I'm not there.

I'm not even close.

How pathetic am i ?

When people are starting to graduate and look for job, I'm still stuck here.

When people are planning for future, maybe having lovers, finding soulmates or planning for weddings and stuffs, I don't have that.
I don't even have close friends, let alone a lover.

Then I looked back.
Observing my life.
I know that it's me who got myself to this situation.
I know that it's my own mistakes to get stuck in depressions.

Knowing that, makes me more depressed.
I'm so stupid.

*sigh* i just don't know.. i'm tired .. i hope my counsellor on monday can help me (~_~) ..

Saturday, August 04, 2007

The Simpsons' craze .....

Last Tuesday, 31/07/07, I watched The Simpsons Movie @ Hoyts, Melbourne Central.
The movie itself was released on 26/7, at first I was so ecstatic about it and wanted to watch it straight away, but it turned out I couldn't watch it on that day, so I actually planned to watch it on Sunday.
But then I talked to my girlfriends, and because they're not students anymore, they couldn't get student price for the tickets, so I guess it's better for us to watch it on Tuesday.
NoMat ( nonton hemat ) ... =D
So we ( me, Mel, Utie ) went to Hoyts after we finished work. We chose to watch the 9.20 PM session, so we had dinner first.

Anyway, to sum it up, I LOVE THIS MOVIE ..!!
Have been a fan for The Simpsons Series, now i'm loving it even more.....
Especially the part when suddenly Bart's penis comes out after it has been censored for more than 20 seconds..... xD

I took some pictures from the cinema. They're celebrating The Simpsons's release, so they did some decoration. =D

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I especially love this one.
The famous family couch with all family members there.
Too bad we can't take photos in it. :(
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Oh yeah, the popcorn combo's is great =D.
Look at this.
Large popcorn, and large drinks. Very Homer Simpsons. =D
I bought this because I love the cup.
( That is Utie's hand in the back. )
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I know that the popcorn is too much, we can only ate a quarter of it during the movie.
But I took it home, and I snacked on it the day after. =D

Talking about snacks,
the Simpsons craze also hits the food industry.
I love this one, jellies by Nestle Allens, shaped like donuts, we all know donuts are Homer's favourite.
See the jellies, the brown one is of course chocolate, the pink one is strawberry flavoured, the green one is apple ( i don't really like this one, but it's still good ), and the blue one is blueberry / blackberry flavoured, i forgot.
I already ate the whole package, and I've bought 2 more. LOL .

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* no wonder I gained weight these weeks, been eating and snacking all the time !! Like Homer.... (~_~)

Oh one more,
this is me and Hodrick, and our Simpsons character. LOL.
Isn't it cute .... =p
He gave it to me one day, and I laughed out loud looking at him.
Btw , you can make your own Simpsons character in .

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