Sunday, November 18, 2007

on the verge of breaking down - part 02

Hmm.. let's see..
If I don't update this blog for the next 2 weeks or so, consider this post as the last one. Even, consider this post as my will, as probably I'm not gonna be around anymore.
I am not trying to scare anyone, it's just what I thought the best way in my situation.
Don't tell me that I'm not supposed to commit suicide with whatever reasons, because I know about all those reasons. But you don't know me, you don't know how I feel, so please don't lecture me.
Yeah maybe I'm a coward, but I don't know if I can take it anymore. I've lost all my hopes and dreams, and now the last thing that keeps me going will also be taken away from me.

I can't blame anyone, I guess maybe this is how my life goes. This is not how I pictured my life would be. I don't know where it got wrong. I wish I can have Doraemon's time machine or maybe have ability like Hiro Nakamura, I really wish I can turn back time and change everything.

I hate myself for has gotten myself into this situation.
I have nothing else in my life to keep living on for.
I've reached a point where I just wanna die.

I don't give a shit anymore whether I am gonna live, or die, I don't care.
I know I've been keeping it to myself, because I'm ashamed to admit it. I'm ashamed to everyone if I show my weak side. But I can't keep it in any longer.
I've had major depression going on in my life and I'm still dealing with it.
But it just gets worse and worse.

Family ? I don't care about them.
I hate my mother, to be honest. She's driving me crazy. I can't win with her.
I am always gonna be a failure in her eyes. No matter what I do.
I envy all of you, who have such great relationships with your moms. I don't. I hate mine.
She can never understand how I feel. She thinks she's always right. And she doesn't care about my feelings.
She doesn't care I'm crying, because she always thinks she's right.
Maybe she doesn't even care if I die.
Yeah, I'm sure about it. Because I remember her saying that her dream was actually not to get married and working her ass off so that she could travel the world.

For her, I'm always a good-for-nothing kid. Can't do anything, always spending her money.
And I'm tired of trying to proof it's not right, I just can't take it anymore. If she thinks I'm a failure, then let it be. I'll grant her wish. I don't care anymore.

What kind of mom who sees her daughter never smiles, and never asks why, but only assumes that her daughter is an arrogant ? Geez mom, wake up ! I can't smile because of you !
You think everything's alright, huh ? Well guess what, it's not !

I grew up with constant fear of you. Do you think it's healthy ? It's not :)
Is it normal for kids fear of their parents ??
Why do you think your kids don't want to be around you ?
You always assume because we didn't get proper "Chinese" education, and "Indonesian" education didn't teach us about respect to the parents. HAH !
You wanna know the truth ?
Because we're tired of your constant pressure, nagging, criticism, threats, and the way you're thinking that you're always right !
You never even once praised me, all you did are pointing out my flaws.
You said it's being humble ? NOOO.. There's a big difference between "rendah diri" and "menghina".

So yeah.. all of you, be grateful you don't have my mom..

Well I don't have much time anymore, I guess I just want to say thank you to all of you guys, for well at least admitting that you know me and for reading my blogs. I'm sorry I can't give you something good to read.

Friday, November 16, 2007

on the verge of breaking down - part 01

My mom came 2 days ago.. and will be here until the day I go home..
And yes, as always.. she's driving me crazy..
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I don't know how much longer I can take...

God, please give me strength to carry on.......

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

my 'baby' is not well ..

My poor "baby" =(
my dearest thing ..

why would you do this to me ... ?

It's perfectly clear that I really need you and you know it, so why do you reject me ?
Please forgive me if I haven't given you a really good care .. But don't scare me like this ..

Now that you're sick, I don't know what to do anymore..
You won't talk to me, you don't give me any clue what to do.. All you showed me was your rejection to what I've asked you to do..

Please give me a clue, so that you're not mad at me anymore, and we can be best friends again .. =(

PC ku sayang, PC ku malang..
Sudah beberapa minggu ini PC ku ngambek..
Pertama aku pikir ada masalah di anak kedua, External Harddisk-ku..
Anakku yang setia menyediakan tenaga dan otaknya untuk menyimpan segala hiburanku..
Suatu ketika di pagi hari yang dingin, aku bangun untuk mendapati dia tidak lagi berfungsi..

Minggu demi minggu dilalui dengan rasa frustasi, marah, kecewa, emosi tinggi..
Semua disebabkan karena satu kalimat..

Sebuah kalimat dalam balon tertulis "Usb device not recognized"..

Segala cara telah kulakukan .. Seluruh penjuru Google telah kulalui..
Tak kutemukan jawaban yang berarti..
Ketika aku mulai menyerah, dan mulai berpikir jika memang aku bernasib buruk
dalam hal memiliki external harddisk,
(soalnya pernah punya dulu tapi rusak (-___-)a )
4 hari yang lalu kutemukan jawabannya, ketika ku mencoba untuk mengakses "anakku" yang lain..

My digicam..
Anakku yang siap setiap saat untuk merekam apa yang menurutku indah..
Yang tidak pernah bermasalah dengan anak pertama..

Ternyata anak pertama mengalami krisis kepercayaan..
Dimana dia menolak untuk berhubungan dengan semuanya..
Dimana dia tidak perduli dan menghiraukan semua yang ingin berkoneksi dengannya..

Iya ..
Semua colokan USB di CPU, menjadi tidak berfungsi..
Karena mau dicolok apapun juga, jawabannya sama..

"Usb device not recognized"

Efek samping :
  • Kegiatan download terhenti, karena anak kedua tidak bisa diakses.
  • Kegiatan blogging terhambat, karena bahan cerita jadi tidak bisa dipost, karena anak ketiga tidak bisa diakses.
  • Tidak bisa lagi update theme dan ringtone handphone, karena USBnya jg tidak bisa diakses.

Yang lagi sedih dan stres,