Thursday, January 31, 2008

Private Setting

For some reasons, I have to make some changes. Mulai Feb 2008, blog ini akan jadi private blog.
Siapa yang masih mau baca tentang aku, just contact me in a week to get access to this blog :D.

Monday, January 21, 2008

dilemma - 01

what would you do if someone you care about told you, that he/she would leave you one day...

he/she needs you right now.. but one day, he/she might find another person, who's more attractive than you, and leave you..

would you still want to be with him/her, to support him/her during his/her difficult times, despite knowing that what you do to him/her might be useless and you'd have to let him/her go..?

sometimes there are some people who are so unlucky in love... *sigh*