Tuesday, January 13, 2009

guilty pleasure

Hudsons' Coffee - Small Iced Mocha


13th January 2009
Dari jam 9 pagi sudah keluar rumah karena ada appointment dgn orang university, tapi ternyata ga selama yang aku bayangkan, hanya 40 menit sudah selesai omong-omong. Padahal masih ada waktu 2 jam lebih sebelum harus kerja. Mau pulang dulu males juga lah nanti malah ga mood keluar. Jadinya jalan-jalan ga jelas sampai pada akhirnya beli minum deh sekaligus memang perlu untuk menangkis ngantuk akibat insomnia berhari-hari ini.

@ Hudsons' Coffee shop near my workplace. Damage cost AU$4.30.

Iya, memang posting ga penting.. Cuma mau pamer aja :), daripada dicomplaint disuruh update mulu.

Monday, January 12, 2009

menutup 2008

Yes i'm back..
Let's hope it's for real, shall we ? :)

Ga terasa sudah 2009 .. It feels like it was just yesterday when I start 2008 with new hope, new wish.. which turned out to be a bad year for me hahahaha..

Yeah, 2008 is not a great year for me, instead it was one of my painful era.
There were a lot of pain, tears, heartaches. Disappointments. Angers.
But I also see 2008 as another time for me to grow more mature.
I learned lots of lessons, in hard way.

And as wise people say, time is the best medicine, it was also time that healed me. As time goes by, I started to realize that I grew stronger, and now I can see the past with smile, although I don't deny that sometimes I feel regrets too :).

I know many of you wondering why I stopped writing in the middle of the year.
Well I had a rough time, so I didn't have time to write in here. And I also think that it was not a good time for me to write because of my conditions, it would only result in bad depressing posts anyway :).
Especially when someone finally said that I'm a fucking idiot, ( i know who you are, anyway ;) ), I was actually thinking of shutting down my blogs for good.

Maybe he's right, wasn't he?
I do sometimes also think that I was an idiot.
I acted based on fear, and irrational feelings, when I actually knew that I shouldn't let my fear took over my judgements.
To be honest, guys... I know that you all probably think of me not in good way in 2008 :) Which is also one of my reasons why I stopped writing, because I was afraid the bad comment would come again.
I don't want to be judged, but I know I also can't control what people think of me.
So if you really think of me in that way, I won't get mad too :). I know I should get it anyway.

And also, I know that I wrote a lot of bad things about him back then. But I hope you won't think of him as bad guy.
Yes, he's violent to me. Yes he treats me badly. Yes he cheated on me and lied to me many times. Yes he was the reason I ruined my life last year. But please don't hate him.
I forgive him.
It was not his mistakes to treat me like that, it was my mistakes. Maybe if I'm stronger or I have better qualities than I do now, those things wouldn't happen.

Well we also had great time together anyway, although not much ;) but I treasured them.

Oh and did i mention that I lost a bunch of weight last year due to the stress and depression? :).
So there is silver lining after all :). Hahaha, at least I can be happy about one thing :).