Tuesday, September 12, 2006

debutante 02

i bought Candy around $350 .. she's already been wormed and had Revolution (flea/mite/heartworm treatment) once.. and she's also microchipped (the explanation's here) , soi guess it's okay.. with her food and supplies, i spend nearly $600 that day.. wow..but i didn't regret it because she's s adorable at that time ...

why did i put it on bold,huh??

lol.. she's undescribable...
remember i told you yesterday that as far as i know, female dog is more calm than the boys..
huh.. it's not really true, or maybe my dog is a special unique one :-S ...
she's not like a girl at all !!
she's very active.. like a boy..
dan ku merasa tertipuuuuuuuuuu.........

abis yah dia toko kalem banget, gak loncat2, gak ribut, dipeluk diem anteng.. eh begitu nyampe rumah, lari puter2.. dan sampe sekarang juga aktif banget ga bisa diem kalo Choco dateng.. diem kalo capek doank.. emang sih kalo cuma sendirian ma aku di apartment, dia biasa diem di deket aku, tp dia juga biasa tuh tau2 bisa lari2 sendiri bolak-balik kamar tidur - ruang tamu !!
bener2 lari kuenceng gitu kaya dikejar setan.. trus bolak-balik lagi :-S apa gak pusing..
kalo lagi gulat sama Choco, gayanya loncat2 kaya singa nerkam mangsa, orang kadang ngedeketin aku aja sambil loncat2... sampe temenku bilang 'ni jangan2 dulu di kehidupan sebelumnya jadi kelinci ya.., kalo choco sih kayanya dulu kucing abis suka bertengger diatas sofa, di atas sofa lho ato di pinggir sofa, bukan di sofanya.. trus kadang tau2 bisa di atas meja makan, gasuka mandi lagi kan kaya kucing aueauehua..'
ada-ada aja.. tapi bisa jadi ya ? heuaheue

anyway, tentang CANDY.. iyah daku merasa tertipu, karena aku sadar sepertinya dia emang acting tuh waktu ditoko ..
remember, she was born in 1st April, and noone wanted to buy her, until i bought her on 24 june ?? she's nearly 3 months old, the other dogs were just around 1 or 2 months.. and usually puppies don't last that long in the pet store ...
so maybe she knew that her siblings were already gone and noone likes her so she's acting sweet.. LOL ..

i bet she's laughing inside ; 'goblok bgt ni org mau gwa gombalin xD'

ohyeah.. do you want to know what she's like when she's still a baby ??
maybe this is why noone looks at her ..
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kekeke... gak lucu ya ???
lucky for her i chose her ....
well she's much more cuter than her baby time..

the next stories will be packed with lots and lots of photos.. so i guess i need to warnyou that it'd take a while to load for the images..

i gotta say, she's not pretty.. she even looks like a boy.. actually when i got her from the petstore, even the storeperson thought candy's a he, before the storeperson looked at her vagina lol..
because she likes to run around, or eventough she doesn't run, she still likes to squirm, so it's impossible to keep her fur tidy.. this is what happened when i didn't take her to bath for nearly a month..
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and in the morning
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kekekekekee..... jadi pengen ngucel2 lagi..

oh yah because it's my responsibility to take care of her, and well admit it, she's not pretty, so yah, harus sering dirawat supaya tetep lucu ... heuaheuhaue.. yah jadi aku sedang mencoba untuk memandiin dia setiap minggu, dan nyisirin dia paling gak 2 hari sekali supaya jadi begini nih, bener2 fresh gondrong dr bak mandi

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nah lho, beda toh ??

asal usul nama Candy, sbnrnya simple..
aku sih sbnrnya mo panggil dia donat, abis dia bulet ;p
ato marshmallow, tapi karena dia gak cantik yah,jangan deh kebagusan nama ntar hauhauhauhaa...
lalu yah, mutusinnya simple...
karena aki seharian gak bisa nemu nama yang pas buat dia, akhirnya dirujuk ke calon suami nya deh..
berhubung suaminya kelak (ceile..) bernama Chocolate..
jadi dia dikasih nama Candy deh...
gitu doank aheuahuee..
semoga aja ntar ada anak2 bernama marshmallow, sugapop, chuppa chupp, gulali, jelly, lollipop, sugus, hubba bubba, mentos, hexos *lho?* heuehuheue..

lalu dia sudah mulai berubah lho dari sejak aku pertama dapet dia..
waktu pertama dulu, dia cuek banget..
bahkan aku makan sesuatuaja, dia paling ngeliatin bentar, seakan2 bilang 'makan apa? kasih donk... tp kalo ga dikasih ya ga papa deh..'
nahlho kok ada anjing cuek ama makanan ?
beuh.. choco yah, baru denger 'kresekk..' suara plastik dibuka pasti sudah ngliatin, dan kalo liat orang makan,pasti nghampirin...
lagipula, sedikit cerita ttg Choco, dia punya pandangan maut.. entah mungkin karena mukanya kaya sedih, jadi pandangannya memelas ..
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ini gak terlalu keliatan sih, biasanya mukanya lebih kaya sedih lagi heuheue..
nah beda ama candy, yang cuma melongo ... :-S

but mungkin karena belajar dari Choco dia jadi mayan respon terhadap makanan skrg, hampir selalu medekati kalo aku makan dan ngeliatin.. biarpun gak ngliatin tp pasti gelayutan deket2... seperti ini nih, dia abis towel2 bahuku waktu aku makan.. =p
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she can only do one trick right now *sigh*
susah ngajarinnya abis dia suka ngeliat kemana2 kalo diomongin..
cuma berhasil ini : kasih hand kalo kita pegang makanan yang dia suka, ato kalo kita sodorin tangan trus bilang 'hand.. give me hand..'
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inipun ngajarnya udah setengah-mampus-karena-stres-dia-gak-bisa-bisa-padahal-udah-2-minggu ...
kata Renata (choco's mom), choco cuma butuh sehari-2 hari buat ini.. karena Choco bener2 food minded.. jadi gampang diajarin...
lah Candy sih, gak terlalu food minded banget..
hanya trick ini yang berhasil ngajarin, karena mau diajarin SIT pun, dia biasanya udah sit sendiri tanpa disuruh, hauehauehuae... dasar anjing males.. sukanya duduk males2an..

tapi aku cukup bersyukur juga, dia anjing yang ga rewel..
mau makan aja mau..
dari segala makanan kaleng ato kering .. semua mau.. not like Choco yang bosenan dan picky..
hasilnya yah begini.. Choco langsing, Candy gendut deh...
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bayangin toh.. Choco umur 2 tahun, sama Candy umur 4 bulan, masa hampir sama ? (O_O)

ayo liat anjing gendut lagi
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duh gendutnyaaaa.. ayo kita lihat lebih dekat..
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"halah, Candy!! perutmu ndutnyaaa..."
Candy : "heheheehe.." (nyengir)
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tapi kadang Candy suka sensitif juga.. mungkin maklum lah ya cewe (^^')
kalo bete yah, kadang bisa cemberut banget..
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jangan sampe dia memberi lirikan maut deeeeeh seremmm
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tapi dia biasanya bete gak terlalu lama kok... kalo sudah makan ato minum, dia jadi tau kalo ada yang nyayangin dia, jadi dia senyum lagi deeeeh

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halah..sudah, gak usah pasang tampang manis lagi..
kmu tuh bandel !!

iya bandel.. nakal lah pokoknya..ngalahin Choco yang cowo malah hehehe
sudah bener aktif, suka caper lagi..
halaaaah.. apalagi kalo ketemu makhluk namanya 'cowo' duileee.. ganjen banget deeee...
ekornya langsung goyang2 cepet baget dan dulu sering banget langsung terlentang, minta dielus2.. *lha? ini ganjen apa horny? ;p*
sampe pernah berdua ama Renata eksperimen, Renata gendong Candy.. lalu dideketin ke aku ato housemateku Teresa dia biasa aja... lalu dipindah kedeketnya Marico (Choco's dad), ekornya langsung goyang2 cepet banget...
deketin ke aku lagi, ekornya diem..
ke Marico lagi, langsung goyang cepet lagi..
yaelah, nak... kamu itu kok ya bitchy banget toh ?????
jangan harap deh dia galak sama orang..
gimana kalo ada rampok ya.. kalo ada tamu dateng aja dia paling gonggong cuma sekali trus langsung deketin sambil goyang2 ekor ?? :-S
sekalinya dia gonggongin orang, itupun waktu kemaren aku ajak jalan2.. dia gonggongin anak kecil xD ... karena anak kecilnya ngliatin dia terus..
parah lah anjingku satu ini..
bener2 berani banget ga malu2 ama orang asing...
kok beda ya ama yang punya, malu kalo ketemu orang hauhauhauhaua.....

dia tuh juga bandel karena gak bisa diajarin !!
sampe skrg pun yah, dia masih kadang pipis/pup sembarangan,..
ayo donk hiks saran gimana ngajarinnya.. segala udah dicoba nih..
1 . dari beli semprotan untuk bauin tempat dia pipis..
2 . naruh koran dimana2 supaya dia biasa pipis di koran, jd ntar tinggal taruh koran aja di wc..
3 . trus nyoba kasih dia makan kalo dia pipis di wc (ini sih kayanya cuma manjur buat anjing yang food minded kaya choco deh, kalo candy sih ga terlalu peduli dapet snack ato gak.. :-S)
4. lalu dimasukin kandang kalo dia mau pipis
5. sampe cara tabok-tendang-jitak-keplak-jewer ....
juga ga berhasil tuh..
aneh, masa ditabok dia gak 'kaing2' tuh =p belom pernah aku berhasil membuat dia sampai berkaing2 :-S
bener2 ga tau lagi deh gimana ngajarinnya.. paling kalo abis dibentak ato dipukul, dia jalan cepet ngejauhin ga berani deket2 aku untuk bbrp saat.. seperti ini, diteriakin dari kamar dia udah langsung ngumpet di bawah kursi..
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ato kalo lagi diomongin,dibentak2, dia ngeliatinnya kaya lagi bingung
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jadi saya harus begimana lagi (T_T)

tpi yah gpp deh.. bagaimanapun she's my lovely dog and i really love her so

gimana ga trenyuh kalo abis marah2 trus aku makan, langsung dihampirin kaya gini
*loncat kepangkuan* "lagi makan apa sih?"
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"bagi donk.. aku juga mau.... yaaaa..."
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gimana ga trenyuh kalo kmu diikutin kemanapun kamu pergi .. gak bisa ditinggal sendirian deh.. eh ya bisa denk, dia ga rewel kok.. kalo aku pergi aku kurungdia di kamar, ato di wc.. ato paling aku biarin lepas tp ga ada orang di rumah, dia paling 'nguik2' dikit sambil garuk2 pintu.. halaaaaaa paling lama juga ga nyampe sejam dia udah berenti .... trus bobo kali ya....

yah aku sih merasa happy kalo pulang rumah ada yang menyambut.. merasa aja kalo ada yang nungguin di rumah.. dan aku jadi merasa ga bisa macem2.. karena kalo sesuatu terjadi ama aku,sapa yangmau ngurus anjing yang gabisa ditinggal jauh ini huehuehe... aku ke komputer,dia ikut ke bawah kursiku.. melingkar di sela2 kaki kursiku....
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trus aku pindah ke depan tv, ga jauh lho ! cuma 5 langkah doank.. dia ikut ke sebelahku... kalo dia tidur trus aku masak, yah di dapur kan lama, dia jadi ngehampirin trus tiduran di bawah kakiku.. halah laaaah.......

eh aku udah cerita lom sih, kalo dia tuh punya pose tiduryang ga senonoh banget ehuehuehue
begini nih dia biasanya tidur, most of the times.. yah 50-50 deh sama pose melingkar...
ga feminim toh (-.-)
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dia gak terlalu cewe.. brarti dia ga terlalu suka tidur dipeluk..
dulu waktu seminggu pertama sih minta pangku terus, beeeh skrg mah pasti bentar doank trus minta turun.. kecuali kalo dia udah bener2 ngantuk lemes, barudeh bisa dipangku elus2 ;p..
makanya kalo pagi2 aku suka gangguin dia, abis dia udah lemes ga bisa berontak ;p
dia juga gak terlalu suka nongkrong deket2yah paling di sebelahnya.. bahkan kadang jauh2, yah ga jauh sih, tp udah di luar jangkauan tangan.. kalau tidur di kamar sama aku, pasti dia di bawah kaki.. ga mau deh dipeluk...
cuman kalo pagi2 hohoho.. itulah saatnya untuk memeluk dan ngelus2 dia..
soalnya ga tau kenapa, dia cuman deketin trus nemplok kalo pagi doank.. tau2 aja bisa datengin trus tiduran di atasku...
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gak disuruh lho.. di kamar jg begitu.. heuheuheueue

bonus deh.. foto dikamar

"ranjang saat ini.. lho.. ada anjing ndeprok..."
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"deketin ah..."
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"aih aih.. tau kalo mau difoto langsung pasang gaya..."
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yah.. that's my girl !! i hope you enjoy my story ;)

film pendek 01 :
"Choco,ayo donk liat sini,mo difoto nih!"
"HUH, ogah !!"
"Ntar dikasih makanan deh !"
"mana dulu?"

"Bagi ama Candy ya !!"
"gampang lah ntar.."
"candy : (hmm.. ko choco makan kok aku gak?)"

"Candy : aaaahh kok aku ga dikasih !!!"
"Choco : bodo ah.. nyam nyam nyam.."

"Choco !! Bagi ke Candy ya!!!!!!
Aku ambil loh ntar !! ayo turun,foto dulu.."
"Choco : iya iya iya..."

"Choco : eh, buat aku semua aja ya, laper nih..."
"Candy : bah.. ya udah de.."

hasil foto malam itu :
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film pendek 02 :
"Candy : (nemplok) hayo makan apa??"

"Candy : waaa.. Oreo Wafer Stick..
mau donkkkkk....
kasih donkk.. yaa yaaa yaaa.."

"Candy mau ??"
"Candy : mau donk.. mau donk.. mau donk..
mana.. mana.. mana.."

"enak ya ??"
"Candy : uenuaaak buangettttttt.."

-the end-

film ini hanyalah hasil rekaan imajinasi saja, jikalau terdapat kesamaan karakter ataupun jalan cerita, itu hanyalah kebetulan saja.

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Monday, September 11, 2006


today's topic is about the debut of my pet :)

i know some of you already know about it, but i wanna make it official anyway hehehehe..
okay people, meet CANDY

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Born on 1st April 2006.
Sex : Female
Colour : white creamy
Breed : Maltese x Pomeranian
She was bought on 24 June 2006.
There's a story behind our meeting. I'd like to write it in here but if you don't wannaknowit, just skip to next paragraph.
I admit that I'm a dog lover, since I was a kid, my family always has dogs.
Then when I went overseas, (2003) here in Melbourne, being a shy person I am =p, i don't really have tons of friends, and being alone in here without any family, sometimes I feel lonely at home. Eventhough I had housemates, we tend to do our own businesses so we were not really close.
I started looking for any animal since 2004. At first I was thinking for not buying a dog, because I didn't really know where my destiny would lead, whether I'd stay in here or going back home, then it would be complicated to bring back a dog. Actually at that time I wanted to buy fishes xD. They're easy, and I don't really care to bring them back home (whatfor? xD).
Then two of friends,(well they're a couple actually..) bought a dog... a male Maltese x Shih Tzu x Bishon .. named Chocolate (Choco)..
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this is actually his photo taken months ago, already 2 years old ..
okay back to my dog.. since they bought a dog, i've been tempted to have one too.. but i kept my urge to buy one because i thought i wasn't ready to take care of something alive, i even wasn't able to take care of myself.. so there goes other lonely year ..
2005, talked often enough those couple,made me wanting for pet more..
then he showed me where they got their pet, searching in one of online shop like ebay..
i browsed around.. and i always checked out the petshops when i go to shopping centres, but maybe because i didn't really have the willingness (still 30% sure) , and because i like female dog better than male, and usually the ones i found attractive in pet stores are male, i still hadn't bought it yet ...
then in early of this year when i went to one of the big shopping centre, there's a dog that i really set my eye on.. couldn't take my eyes off it .. was it Candy ??

no.. heuheuheuheue.... it's a boy, Alaskan Malamute x Golden Retriever, it's really handsome, really one of a kind, cause it looks like a pure white Golden (O_o) ... yes, pure white ! i've never seen a pure white golden before.. and yes because it's really gorgeous, it's totally expensive (T_T) can't afford it, and also because i live in apartment, there's no way i can keep him in my apartment (T_T)
arrgh now i'm thinking about him again... huhuhu... i wonder where he is now..
okay back to my dog again... since that encounter with the 'whitegoldie', i wanted to have pet evenmore, and because i moved out from my old apartment in city, and moved into my friend's apartment (the choco's mom),and she said in this building there are lots of pet owners, so that time my search of a pet began serious..
and also my friend, knowing i'm looking for a female dog, asked me to try to mate our dogs .. since then she always dragged me to a petstore xD

and there it is.. on 24th June, we (me and that couple) went to a petstore in the city.. there's also a puppy i like, but because it's a bit expensive, my friend suggested to go to the petstore near the market.. because well it's cheaper there.. items in petstore in shopping centres are usually more expensive !!
that afternoon, (to be honest, i didn't really in the mood of going out at that moment, i actually just wanted to go home) .. i found Candy..
in her cage, there were also 3 others puppy.. similar like her, one of them's actually cuter xD .. and also at that moment, she's sleeping in the back , ... so i didn't really set my eyes on her.. i set my eye on the cuter dog.. there were also other dogs in other cage, jack russels, chihuahua, and shihtzu, but i don't know.. maybe because i like white colour, and they're all have dark colour, i was not really interested in them.. so i asked the storeperson to get me the dog i set my eye on, and apparently it's a he ! ;( .. very sad, because my friends also like him, and asked me to think about it but because i really insist to get female dog and they're looking forward to mate their dog, so they asked the storeperson whether they had a female dog.. and she said, yes there's one there.. she had to drag her from the back corner because she's really not active at that time, not like the others, all jumpy and barking.. my friend's even said she's a really cool dog..

reasons why i finally got her were because,
1. yes it's female .. i don't know, because so far i know that female dog's more calm than male, and eventough people said it's harder to take care of because well they have menstruation, i still prefer female than male.. maybe because i'm a female too so it's like having a girlfriend (^^)
2. she looks like Choco .. my friend really encouraged me to buy her because of this, she said it's really hard to look for a female dog which looks like her Choco and, lol i'm the only friend who wants to get a female ...
3. i couldn't let go of her !!!! when i held her, it's so hard to let her go because she really attached her paws on me, grabbed my hands and shivered a bit everytime i wanted to give her to the storeperson.. aawww...

and that's the story of how i bought my pet (^^) ... and sssttt.. i haven't told my mom yet that i have a dog, because i'm sure she'll interrogate me so please don't mention anything about it yet ;)

wow i didn't realize it's already this long.. i'll continue the debut tomorrow, okay guys ? ;)

selingan : ( bikin 'ngoh' gak sih ni ?? )
taken from overheardinnewyork

Girl #1: Yeah, I need to buy a new cell phone; mine is broken.
Girl #2: How come.
Girl #1: I dropped it in the sand during my vacation.
Girl #2: That's how it broke?
Girl #1: No, it was fine but the sand was all over it, so I decided to rinse it clean with pouring water from the bathroom sink.

--Central Park

/swt mbak, goblok men to heuheuhue...

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

i'm scared ...

i just had terrible feelings ..
very bad condition.. i'm even scared of myself..
for these past months, i've been feeling uneasy about things..
worried about my life, what i have done.. what will happen to me next day.. what i'm supposed to do.. and especially i've been worrying about my situation..

i'm kinda stuck in difficult situation ..
which really drives me crazy these past weeks, my whole life seems to be hanging on a thread ..
and today, i had the peak

anyway, i just found out that my old friend's already got engaged... YAY !! big news to Solo people.. one of its gorgeous diva's got engaged =D
congratulations to you, Sa .. in case you read my blog ;p .. well I already congratulate you anyway in msn..

anyway.. yeah about that, i should be happy for her.. oh i do feel happy for her ..
i remember we used to chat about our crushes back then when we were really closed in Junior High School ..
i also remember her crush back then, that she's tried to call to his house anonymously,i think to hear his voice.. she's really popular actually, she didn't really need that hard to get a man .. lol ..
and now, about 8 years later .. had a smooth life , she's engaged with her soulmate ..
congratulations, dear .. one of your dreams has come true..

so, actually that's not my story this time..
i actually want to post about how i feel about it..
read about the news, i feel different than normal people would feel ..
normal people would just feel happy that their friends find their happiness ..
me ? well.. i do feel happy for her, but is it wrong that i do feel bad for myself ?
knowing her grown up really well, eventually makes me feel ashamed ..
and now i feel like i'm the worst person in the world ..

what kind of person who can't be happy for other people ? bad people ..
that's who i am right now.. i feel bad.. instead of 100% purely happy for her, i feel a bit ... err..
i think the appropriate word is envy ..
yeah.. i envied her a bit..
in fact, i envied everyone a bit ..
being a scum i am, it's easy for me to feel this ..

from 7 deadly sins .. i can at least had 3 of them .. i envy others.. keep wondering why it happened to others and not me .. why other people are happy and i'm not..
i'm feeling wrath for myself, because i'm such a good-for-nothing .. i can't do anything right !! my relationships all messed up.. my education, my social life, my image, are all messed up..
and i'm feeling the greed because i feel i don't have enough.. i know that i should be grateful for what i have , and i should be lucky to be me, because i know that at least i have more than enough, i'm not starving.. i still have family and good shelter.. yadda yadda yadda bla bla bla..
and people said "there's a time for everything and maybe it's not the time yet for you.."
but i had enough, well at least that's what i feel tonight..
i often wonder that "neighbours' garden is greener" is true.. and yes now i feel it's true

being surrounded with success people and i'm not one of them, makes me feel intimidated and feel like a loser ..
and even people who're actually had less quality than me, had beauty or body to overcome it .. so yeah eventhough they can't work, they'll still have a good life because of their spouse..

and me ? i have nothing to offer ..
i'm bad at school.. i'm not a good student.. i can't do things right.. i have no talent..
and i'm not attractive ..
so what kind of future i would have if i have nothing good to offer ??

okay... i'm blabbering.. sorry it's not the point of the story ... forget it

i'm a terrible person..
and now i'm really scared.. because of those envy, greed, and wrath....
i'm scared of myself..
i feel like i've turned into the worst, the most heartless evil person in the world ..
i'm scared that i'll become much worse than this..
and i'm also scared to God.. i've been broking my promises to Him, i'm scared He's mad at me and won't listen to my prayer... i don't even know how to pray anymore !!

i know i deserved to have bad things in my life..
because i know i haven't been a good child of Him ..
i guess, now envy's my new friend ?

ps : if anything happen to me in the near future, please tell my mom that I love her, and i'm really sorry I can't make her proud .. just in case.. so stressed out..