Monday, September 11, 2006


today's topic is about the debut of my pet :)

i know some of you already know about it, but i wanna make it official anyway hehehehe..
okay people, meet CANDY

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Born on 1st April 2006.
Sex : Female
Colour : white creamy
Breed : Maltese x Pomeranian
She was bought on 24 June 2006.
There's a story behind our meeting. I'd like to write it in here but if you don't wannaknowit, just skip to next paragraph.
I admit that I'm a dog lover, since I was a kid, my family always has dogs.
Then when I went overseas, (2003) here in Melbourne, being a shy person I am =p, i don't really have tons of friends, and being alone in here without any family, sometimes I feel lonely at home. Eventhough I had housemates, we tend to do our own businesses so we were not really close.
I started looking for any animal since 2004. At first I was thinking for not buying a dog, because I didn't really know where my destiny would lead, whether I'd stay in here or going back home, then it would be complicated to bring back a dog. Actually at that time I wanted to buy fishes xD. They're easy, and I don't really care to bring them back home (whatfor? xD).
Then two of friends,(well they're a couple actually..) bought a dog... a male Maltese x Shih Tzu x Bishon .. named Chocolate (Choco)..
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this is actually his photo taken months ago, already 2 years old ..
okay back to my dog.. since they bought a dog, i've been tempted to have one too.. but i kept my urge to buy one because i thought i wasn't ready to take care of something alive, i even wasn't able to take care of myself.. so there goes other lonely year ..
2005, talked often enough those couple,made me wanting for pet more..
then he showed me where they got their pet, searching in one of online shop like ebay..
i browsed around.. and i always checked out the petshops when i go to shopping centres, but maybe because i didn't really have the willingness (still 30% sure) , and because i like female dog better than male, and usually the ones i found attractive in pet stores are male, i still hadn't bought it yet ...
then in early of this year when i went to one of the big shopping centre, there's a dog that i really set my eye on.. couldn't take my eyes off it .. was it Candy ??

no.. heuheuheuheue.... it's a boy, Alaskan Malamute x Golden Retriever, it's really handsome, really one of a kind, cause it looks like a pure white Golden (O_o) ... yes, pure white ! i've never seen a pure white golden before.. and yes because it's really gorgeous, it's totally expensive (T_T) can't afford it, and also because i live in apartment, there's no way i can keep him in my apartment (T_T)
arrgh now i'm thinking about him again... huhuhu... i wonder where he is now..
okay back to my dog again... since that encounter with the 'whitegoldie', i wanted to have pet evenmore, and because i moved out from my old apartment in city, and moved into my friend's apartment (the choco's mom),and she said in this building there are lots of pet owners, so that time my search of a pet began serious..
and also my friend, knowing i'm looking for a female dog, asked me to try to mate our dogs .. since then she always dragged me to a petstore xD

and there it is.. on 24th June, we (me and that couple) went to a petstore in the city.. there's also a puppy i like, but because it's a bit expensive, my friend suggested to go to the petstore near the market.. because well it's cheaper there.. items in petstore in shopping centres are usually more expensive !!
that afternoon, (to be honest, i didn't really in the mood of going out at that moment, i actually just wanted to go home) .. i found Candy..
in her cage, there were also 3 others puppy.. similar like her, one of them's actually cuter xD .. and also at that moment, she's sleeping in the back , ... so i didn't really set my eyes on her.. i set my eye on the cuter dog.. there were also other dogs in other cage, jack russels, chihuahua, and shihtzu, but i don't know.. maybe because i like white colour, and they're all have dark colour, i was not really interested in them.. so i asked the storeperson to get me the dog i set my eye on, and apparently it's a he ! ;( .. very sad, because my friends also like him, and asked me to think about it but because i really insist to get female dog and they're looking forward to mate their dog, so they asked the storeperson whether they had a female dog.. and she said, yes there's one there.. she had to drag her from the back corner because she's really not active at that time, not like the others, all jumpy and barking.. my friend's even said she's a really cool dog..

reasons why i finally got her were because,
1. yes it's female .. i don't know, because so far i know that female dog's more calm than male, and eventough people said it's harder to take care of because well they have menstruation, i still prefer female than male.. maybe because i'm a female too so it's like having a girlfriend (^^)
2. she looks like Choco .. my friend really encouraged me to buy her because of this, she said it's really hard to look for a female dog which looks like her Choco and, lol i'm the only friend who wants to get a female ...
3. i couldn't let go of her !!!! when i held her, it's so hard to let her go because she really attached her paws on me, grabbed my hands and shivered a bit everytime i wanted to give her to the storeperson.. aawww...

and that's the story of how i bought my pet (^^) ... and sssttt.. i haven't told my mom yet that i have a dog, because i'm sure she'll interrogate me so please don't mention anything about it yet ;)

wow i didn't realize it's already this long.. i'll continue the debut tomorrow, okay guys ? ;)

selingan : ( bikin 'ngoh' gak sih ni ?? )
taken from overheardinnewyork

Girl #1: Yeah, I need to buy a new cell phone; mine is broken.
Girl #2: How come.
Girl #1: I dropped it in the sand during my vacation.
Girl #2: That's how it broke?
Girl #1: No, it was fine but the sand was all over it, so I decided to rinse it clean with pouring water from the bathroom sink.

--Central Park

/swt mbak, goblok men to heuheuhue...

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