Friday, October 13, 2006

my bad habits

it seems that lately, people like to share about their bad habits ..
some of my friends (you know who you are) talked about inconsistency, or indecisive
well, if i have to tell about my bad habits, mine would be lots =p
from the worst, i'm used to be a procrastinator.. eventhough i don't like things to go in hurry, i kinda usually left the works near due date..
and for me, it's the worst habit ever .. i really like to change this though.. now i'm still trying (>.<) , it's harder because of my second bad habit, i'm kinda lazy .. =p
i don't like things to go fast, i like things slow but sure.. it's bad because of course nowadays world needs people that can act fast and agile ..
it's hard for me to change this habit too because the third habit would follow =p ... i don't really have ambition in life ..
i still don't know what i want to do or what my talent is.. until right now, i just do what normal people would do .. eventhough i'm not sure that's where my talent is ;(
from this situation, it creates new bad habit for me, negative-thinking ....
because i'm surrounded with success people, with condition that i'm still struggling in what i'm doing , ( i'm even thinking that i'm taking wrong path (o_O) ) , makes me feel i'm a big failure... then i would usually have negative thinking for most problems ...
i've been through a lot... most bad experiences ... it makes me hard to think positive ...

and now i'm realizing something.. in my case, my bad habit can be followed with other bad habit .. and just wondering, would it make difference if i just change one habit ?
probably if i'm more positive, i'd find what's good for me in this world .. then i would have some ambition or passion to fulfill .. with having ambition, i'd be surely not lazy, and certainly with me being not lazy, i'd become procrastinator ...
it's all connected ..
and it makes me wonder, just one action, can really makes much difference ..
wow... that's kinda freaky for me..
well, it probably doesn't have any similarity with your habits .. i'm just blabbering here....
arrgh, i'm so stressed out.. i have lots to do and i've lost lots of time because of procrastinating..
and this stupid brain is getting stupider each day !! ( *hitting head* )
arrgh, ow i'm hating myself... geez if only there's Doraemon.... (-_-) ...

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