Saturday, August 04, 2007

The Simpsons' craze .....

Last Tuesday, 31/07/07, I watched The Simpsons Movie @ Hoyts, Melbourne Central.
The movie itself was released on 26/7, at first I was so ecstatic about it and wanted to watch it straight away, but it turned out I couldn't watch it on that day, so I actually planned to watch it on Sunday.
But then I talked to my girlfriends, and because they're not students anymore, they couldn't get student price for the tickets, so I guess it's better for us to watch it on Tuesday.
NoMat ( nonton hemat ) ... =D
So we ( me, Mel, Utie ) went to Hoyts after we finished work. We chose to watch the 9.20 PM session, so we had dinner first.

Anyway, to sum it up, I LOVE THIS MOVIE ..!!
Have been a fan for The Simpsons Series, now i'm loving it even more.....
Especially the part when suddenly Bart's penis comes out after it has been censored for more than 20 seconds..... xD

I took some pictures from the cinema. They're celebrating The Simpsons's release, so they did some decoration. =D

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I especially love this one.
The famous family couch with all family members there.
Too bad we can't take photos in it. :(
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Oh yeah, the popcorn combo's is great =D.
Look at this.
Large popcorn, and large drinks. Very Homer Simpsons. =D
I bought this because I love the cup.
( That is Utie's hand in the back. )
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I know that the popcorn is too much, we can only ate a quarter of it during the movie.
But I took it home, and I snacked on it the day after. =D

Talking about snacks,
the Simpsons craze also hits the food industry.
I love this one, jellies by Nestle Allens, shaped like donuts, we all know donuts are Homer's favourite.
See the jellies, the brown one is of course chocolate, the pink one is strawberry flavoured, the green one is apple ( i don't really like this one, but it's still good ), and the blue one is blueberry / blackberry flavoured, i forgot.
I already ate the whole package, and I've bought 2 more. LOL .

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* no wonder I gained weight these weeks, been eating and snacking all the time !! Like Homer.... (~_~)

Oh one more,
this is me and Hodrick, and our Simpsons character. LOL.
Isn't it cute .... =p
He gave it to me one day, and I laughed out loud looking at him.
Btw , you can make your own Simpsons character in .

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1 comment:

Herrotzky said...

huaaaaaaaa... aku belon sempet nonton felemnyaaaaaaaa... hiks...