Sunday, August 20, 2006

back from hiatus

LOL .. it's been a long time ... is there anyone still visiting this blog ??
wow, haven't written anything for so long, right now i have no idea how to write.. eventhough i have lots of stories to be told..

Reasons why i suddenly stopped writing, were because i simply didn't have time to.. so many things happened, few good things and some bad things.. i think it's best not to be told in here...
I'll try to start writing again.. after all i kinda need this blog to express what i feel inside, which i usually can't do public..

for starter, i think i'll just post some facts about me, which i took them from bulletin boards of Friendster.. feel free to read, to comment, to take some bulbo you haven't had, anything.. i actually don't care whether you'll like it or not LOL ..

Cat or Dog
*~ dogs for sure.. i've had dogs since i was a kid.. and in fact i just bought a new puppy 2 months ago.. i'll write about it in another post next time..

Short or Long Hair
*~ tried both, i think long hair fits me better..

Innie or Outie
*~ i gotta say i'm an innie person.. i don't really like to go out everyday, although there are some times i feel wild and wants to go out all day, but that doesn't really happen so often.. maybe just twice in a week.. i find staying at home tends to be more relaxing, besides it saves money hehehe.. because when i go out, i'm always tempted to buy something either food or stuffs... so stay at home-watchin tv all day.. i like that (^.^) such a couch potato (^^')

Sunshine or Rain
*~ can't really choose.. if i'm at home, i like it to be raining.. but i don't like a heavy rain... rain is so soothing and weird or not, i like the smell of it..
but when i go out, of course i like the sunshine.. who wants rain when we're so neat and gorgeous ? but i also don't like a really hot day.. what a waste of perfume if you're sweating from the heat, right ?? :P

Moon or Sun
*~ being a night person i am, i like moon better.. moon sounds more mysterious , right ??

Basketball or Football
*~ basketball,of course.... but i don't hate football..

Righty or Lefty
*~ definitely righty...

Hugs or Kisses
*~ hugs .. why i like it more, because i think kiss is more about passion or lust, and that's not good xD

1 Best Friend or 10 Acquaintances
*~ wow.. i dunno the answer for this one, maybe 1 best friend is better but well you know, people change....

bf/gf or Best Friend
*~ if you have a lover whom you're sure he/she's the one, my answer is bf/gf is better than best friend.. because face it, eventhough you have best friend, he/she'll eventually care more about his/her lover than you.. you eventually will have different ways of life, your friend won't support your life, right ?
yes a classic great answer would be 'friend is more important than lover' ..but nowadays, people change.. it's great to have best friends, i'm sure.. but even your best friends have lovers.. (^.^) so my answer for this one is give 65% to lovers, 35% for friends.. you can call me meanie, but hey.. i'm learning from experience.....

TV or Radio
*~ duh ? hellooo.. TV for sure... radio is only when there's no TV's around..

Starbucks or Jamba Juice
*~ i don't know what jamba juice is... so my answer for this is Starbucks.. although i'm not really a fan, but it's good..

McDonalds or Burger King
*~ among my friends, i'm the only one who LOVES Mc'D more.. i can't get bored with mcD..

Summer or Winter
*~ hate both.. hate cold, hate sunny.. i prefer warm spring / autumn.. but if i have to choose, i like summer because you can wear cute outfits LOL .. xD

Playstation or Xbox
*~ playstation !! don't have any reason...

Disney or Nickelodeon
*~ disney for sure.. i only like nickelodeon for their Spongebob Squarepants.. disney has LOTS like it..

Car or Motorcycle
*~ car .. huheuhue .. no reason.. maybe for safety... and it's more comfortable heuhue

House Party or Club
*~ hmm.. depends on the occasion.. and also my mood at that time (^^) .. if i wanna get closer with my friends, definitely house party's better, because who can talk in club ???

Sing or Dance
*~ tough.. urrm.. sing , although i dont have great voice, but it's fun and easier than dancing huehuehue..

Yahoo Messenger or MSN
*~ msn surely.. people i know mostly use it..

Google or Yahoo
~ 5 years ago, i like yahoo... nowadays, google's my first option..

How tall are you barefoot?
+ i'm short, only around 158-160 cms.. :(

Have you ever been unfaithful in a relationship?
+ lol.. only once, and that's because i saw no future with him and he only talked with me for like once a month , due to long distance ?? whether i cheated or not, we would be breaking up anyway.. so i'm pretty much confident to say that i'm faithful .. i often get cheated, that's why i hate cheaters !!

Do you own a gun?
+ surely no O_O

If you had a mental disorder, what would it be?
+ urrm.. gotta say severe depression, suicidal, something like that ;p

What do you think of hotdogs?
+ what to comment about ? it's just food...

What's your favorite Christmas song?
+ Sleigh Ride.. and Walking In The Winter Wonderland...

What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
+ i dunno.. don't have any fave.. maybe milk.. maybe coffee.. maybe juice.. depends on the mood

Do you do push-ups?
+ nope ;D

Have you ever done ecstasy?
+ thankfully nope..

Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
+ single at the time.. not sure until when *wink*

Do you like the rain?
+ gotta say, 70% yes....

Do you own a knife?
+ kitchen knife ? sure..

What do you smell like?
+ wakakkaa.. no idea.. i hope i don't smell bad, do i ?? please comment :D

Can you spell?
+ yes i think

where do you think you'll be in 10 yrs?
+ i dont even know about next year

Do you do tanning?
+ nope

Yellow or blue?
+ blue

Would you be a pirate?
+ i dont think so.. i don't really like sailing :)

what songs do you sing in the shower?
+ anything i can sing, and what song's stuck on my mind at that time

What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child?
+ ghost of course.. until now ahuahuaha... still afraid of ghosts eventough i love ghost stories..

i don't like beers... :)

Walls/campina/haagen dasz?
when i was kids, i liked campina... when i was teenager, i liked walls.. now, i liked campina again.. i'm not really a fan of Haagen dasz, although i also like it sometimes..

definitely Glenn Fredly !!!!!! although now i begin to like Marcell too.. He's a funny man, i watched his collaboration concert with Glenn in Melbourne 3 weeks ago.. he's damn funny.. for glenn, no need to ask, i'm a big fan of him !!

i find mercedes more elegant than bmw, i like elegance, although i won't say no if someone gives me a bmw (anyone??) .. i don't really know about jaguar...

like before, basketball first.. and billyard second.. football would be the least fave..

Rock/Pop/R N'B?
pop , then rnb .. not really a rock listener, but i like some of it..

AC Milan/Juventus/Inter Milan?
not being a football i am, i don't really have a fave.. but i'll go with juventus if any of those three meet in a match..

Metallica/Red Hot Chili Peppers/GunN'Roses?
RHCP .. i like some of their songs.. GNR is good too.. metallica, i only hear them when i'm in stress mode :)

nike .. justdoit !! :p ...

Dolce & Gabbana/Fendi/Prada?
LV ? anyone wanna buy me one ??

Dian Sastro/Luna Maya/Nirina ?
to be honest, i'm not a fan for all of them :p .. i don't hate them, but just not a fan.. but i can say Luna Maya's the prettiest of all :p

Brad Pitt/Collin Farrell/Johny Depp ?
+ johnny depp !!!!!
don't know why, he seems cool, mysterious, and bad :D he's such a great actor, can totally change his face in different role.. loveee the way he talks.. in silent but deep.. he rocks !!
brad pitt, yeah i use to like him, for he's sure gorgeous.. but since he's with angelina jolie,i hate him :D i'm totally one of Team Aniston.. Collin Farrell ?? i don't like him at all.. x(

like i said before, totally mcD's fan.. then KFC.. i only like wendy's for their waffle..

slank is good, but i'm not a slankers.. dewa,*sigh* i used to like them, but not anymore.. i think they got worse and worse.. peterpan, lol.. yeah i like their songs..

SAMSUNG !! their mobile phones are sleek and elegant.. nokia would be my 2nd fave.. i never used motorola and i don't think i will...

guitarist, looks cooler.. :p

Danielle Steel/Sidney Sheldon/Mario Puzo?
i don't really read their kind of novel, so i don't like all of them..

hmm.. i can eat steak everyday ;) .. can eat spaghetti often enough.. can eat sushi sometimes :)

Marlboro/Sampoerna/Gudang Garam?
not a smoker, but according to my brother, he likes sampoerna better than marlboro.. so i guess if i am a smoker, i'll smoke sampoerna too ?

comedy .. life's suck so i need a really good laugh ;) then surely i love horror movie.. i only like action if it's not too much and has an interesting plot ..

drama.. sci-fi, is it like star wars ? i don't like star wars things... but sci-fi like x-Files, i love them..

Kompas/Media Indonesia/Pos Kota?
kompas, eventough i'm not a subscribers :)

teh Botol/Coca-Cola/Fanta?
fanta ..

i like TOP better than beng2... kitkat is okay.. but i don't really like toblerone..

any continent is fine, as long it's not asia x( .. i like the states for their modern life.. i like aussie for their clean environment.. i like europe for their sophisticated culture..

BH 90210/Desperate H'Wives/The O.C?
LOL .. i used to watch BH 90210 .. and besides, it's about 10 years ago ? why is it being compared with DH and OC ?? oh by the way, I LOVE Desperate Housewives ;-) and i never watch OC :p

+ lol..
i like boyzone .. and westlife's 1st and 2nd album is nice, but after that,they got worse.. for nsync, i only like one song which is drive myself crazy x( why's Backstreet Boys not here ?? I LOVE BSB ....

Indonesian Idol/AFI/KDI?
lol.. i watched afi 1 and 2, but they got worse... i never watched indo idol, but i guess it's better than afi and kdi ?? prefer american idol though LOL ..

Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
*~ in my apartment right now, because my closet is a walking wardrobe to the bathroom, i always keep them open.. but for regular closet, i close them of course..

Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel?
*~ nope.. :) hmm.. maybe shower caps.. ehuehuehue.. or pens or paper ;p

Have you ever 'done it' in a hotel room?
*~ no.. maybe in my honeymoon someday :p

Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
*~ duh ?? what for ?? o_O

Do you like to use post-it notes?
*~ used to.. nowadays, urrm.. just sometimes..

Do you cut out coupons and not use them?
*~ LoL.. i only cut coupons if i know i'm gonna use them..

Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?
*~ lol.. tough question, if i was attacked by a big bear, i'd surely die .. a swarm of bees won't kill you... but if there's a slight chance i might run away, i'd like to be attacked by big bear, because it's slower than bees ;p

Do you always smile for pictures?
*~ about 90% yes ;p

What is your biggest pet peeve?
*~ one who talks too much

Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
*~ no..

Have you ever peed in the woods?
*~ no.. but i've peed on the side road when i was kids ahuehaue.. covered by car doors ;p

Do you ever jump up and down to make your privates bounce?
*~ LOL .. no wayyyy xD

Do you chew your pens and pencils?
*~ no... but one fact, i chew straws when i drink ;p

How many people have you slept with this week?
*~ is it a sex question ? ;p wait .. i've slept with my mom, my 2 brothers, and my nanny when i was a toddler.. some of my cousins ... few of my girlfriends ;p .. hmm slept in sex term, i think it's private, right ??

Do you like popcorn ?
*~ yes i do love popcorn, especially when watching movies..

Is it okay for guys to wear pink?
*~ if it's good on him, why not ?? doesn't mean he's sissy..

Do you still watch cartoons?
*~ LOL.. yesssssss xD

Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
*~ if i had some,would i tell u guys where i put it ?? ;p

What drink do you have with dinner?
*~ anything refreshing.. must have ice on it..

What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
*~ mushroom sauce ? sweet and sour sauce usually.. or simply chilli sauce..

what movies could you watch over and over and still love?
*~ one that really touched me.. or one that has unexpected plot...

Were you ever a boy/girl scout?
*~ lol.. i did join scout in my teenage years but that was because school's requirement

Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
*~ if it's taken by professional photographer, and it's very art-sy, not the cheap slutty photos, and of course if the salary's great, i would ;p
maybe my answer's a bit controversial for most people, and maybe some of you may think i'm a bitch, but hey you guys don't know anything ... *wink* nudity is pornography only if it's handled with dirty minds ..

Can you change the oil on a car?
*~ never try.. but maybe, there's direction written right ?

Ever gotten a speeding ticket?
*~ no.. :)

Ran out of gas ?
*~ no thankfully..

Best thing to eat for breakfast?
*~ errr.. chicken porridge .. fried rice ;)

What is your usual bedtime?
*~ LOL.. my metabolism is pretty messed up.. let's see.. i definitely don't go to sleep before 12 am.. so maybe around 2 / 3 am.. but yesss sometimes i go to sleep when the sun's rising ;p maybe around 6/7 am, when i have something to do.. or when i have morning class, i tend to stay awake until afternoon then sleep on 4 / 5 pm until 9 / 10 pm.. then stay awake again til morning :p

Are you lazy?
*~ pretty much Yes ! x(

when you were a kid what did you dress up as for halloween?
*~ i never celebrate halloween...

Went trick or treat?
*~ no.. my family doesn't have such tradition..

How many languages can you speak?
*~ let's see.. definitely indonesian, and javanese ;p .. and pretty good in english.. some simple japanese is okay.. very few of mandarin, urrgh consider i can't .. so only 4 ? x( .. i would learn more japanese, french, and spanish if i had a chance..

Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
*~ no.. but i buy them regularly.. i know that by subscribing i will save more money, but i still haven't found great gifts they 'd give if i subscribe ;p

Which are better legos or lincoln logs?
*~ i don;t know what lincoln logs is.. so i would answer LEGOs.. and i think LEGOs's great !

Are you stubborn?
*~ for some of my perspectives, yes... but generally, no....

Who is better... Jay Leno or Conan O'Brien?
*~ hmm.. i don't really watch them everyday, but i think i like Leno better..

Have you ever eaten a crayon?
*~ noooooo... x(

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