Sunday, August 20, 2006

facts :)

Nama ?
born as Nancy Indrawati Usman .. baptised in catholic church with Florentina.. accepted confirmation sacrament with the name Claire Valerie..

born on ..
11th October 1985 in Solo City, Kasih Ibu Hospital..

Gol.darah ?
definitely A, but i don't know negative or positive..

Tinggi ?
short, only about 158-160 cm x(

Warna kulit ?

Panjang rambut ?
long hair

mungkin ga sih kamu berhenti ngopi?

* i'm not a coffee addict, only occasional sipper :) so it's pretty possible..

mungkin ga sih co/ce secakep kamu blm punya pacar?
* lol.. i don't find myself attractive, so it's pretty possible :)

mungkin ga sih kamu hidup tanpa hp dan komp?
* i would say 70% can't .. i can still survive if there's none around..

mungkin ga sih kamu jadi bintang film?
* it's impossible ;p i've dreamt about it since i was akid, but i think i dont have the guts..

mungkin ga sih kamu ninggalin temen kamu?
* maybe, if i found out that they're not good friends..

mungkin ga sih kamu gagal dlm pacaran?
* yes.. relationship's hard..

mungkin ga sih ada orang yg sayang sama kamu?
* don't know about that ;) maybe not.. anyone ?

mungkin ga sih kamu jahatin orang?
* no.. don't have the ability to do so..

mungkin ga sih kamu ga mandi sama sekali dalam sehari?
* yesss :p if i'm not going anywhere and i'm not sweating.. :p

mungkin ga sih mantan kamu minta balik lagi?
* no.. it's impossible.. we don't even talk to each other anymore :)

mungkin ga sih kamu pake narkoba?
* maybe.. :p i'm fine and pretty sane right now.. but who knows maybe i get crazy tomorrow :p

mungkin ga sih kamu hidup di luar negeri?
* i hope so.. i'm pretty much like it better than my own country.. but who knows :( maybe i'm supposed to go home..

mungkin ga sih hidup kamu berubah 180 derajat?
* dunno.. don't think so..

mungkin ga sih kamu putus asa dalam hidup?
* very possible :)

mungkin ga sih mimpi kamu terkabul semua?
* no way...

Do you wash your car or let the carwash ?
* unfortunately i dont have a car .... hehehe.. but if i do have one, maybe i'd wash it myself.. to save money ? hehehe.. maybe go to the carwash if only have extra money..

What is your favorite animal?
* dogs (^.^) .. maybe rabbits.. polar bear ? huehuehue.. panda.. basically any fat and fluffy animals ;p

Your dream vacation?
* urrm.. urrgghh.. can't decide.. all around the world x( any country which is not in the war situation :)

Have you been in love?
* yes i think so

Ever go camping?
* no... don't think i will

Were you an honor roll student in school?
* LOL .. that's impossible :( so stupid....

Do you want to know about the future?
* yessss.. i'm pretty much in the total blackout right now..

Do you use any perfume or cologne?
* yes, but only when i go out..

Do you collect anything?
*~ urrm.. when i was a kid, i collect stickers, cute stationeries.. i'm not really a collector, but i do purchase things i like , such as DVDs of the movies i love.. games.. some of my friend said i collect them, but i don't find myself as a collector, because i only have things i like..

Do you like hot sauce?
* a bit, yes.. i like light spicy, but for the fact, i can't stand spicy food..

suka ngerokok ngga?
~* not a smoker..

suka minuman beralkohol ngga?
~* not a drinker also..

kalo weekend sukanya ngapain aja?
~* don't have any routine.. but basically chilling out.. destressing.. :)

suka fast food gak?
~* yess :p

suka clubbing?
~* not really.. it's only okay.. and only for rich people.. x(

suka ngapain aja kalo lagi banyak duit?
~* shopping ahuehaue.. gotta change this habit !!!!

temen2 manggil loe apa?
~* nancy.. nanz .. nen..

kalo lagi gak punya uang biasanya ngapain?
~* starving..

kalo masak, sukanya masak makanan apa?
~* simple meals.. i'm not a cook x(

suka buah apa aja?
~* hmm.. rambutan, kelengkeng, banana, red apple, green grapes, sawo, nangka, sweet mangoes..

suka minum beer gak?
~* no !

suka gosok gi2 sbLm tdr?
~* lol.. i'm trying to..

suka dengerin lagu yg gimana?
~* slow.. songs that can touch my heart.. easy to be listened.. generally pop, rnb, some techno,.. some jazz...

suka mandi pake sabun apa?
~* don't have any particular brand, any soap that smells great..

kalo nonton, sukanya film yang gimana?
~* comedy, horror, and thriller.. :)

suka olahraga apa?
~* i hate exercise heuahuehaue.. okay i'll start trying to like it x(

suka orang yang rambutnya di bonding?
~* if it looks great, why not ?

suka jutek ga kmu?
~* when i was low, yes...

suka ngapain aja kalo lagi sedih?
~* hmm.. crying myself to sleep :p

kalo sarapan sukanya makan apa?
~* not a morning person so usually i skip breakfast...

apakah coklat bikin loe happy?
~* not really.. yeah it helps a bit, but the problems are still there eventhough i eat tons of chocolate..

kamu nyadar ga kalo ada orang yang suka ama loe?
~* sometimes.. but not really.. i don't wanna be a 'ge-er an' person..

kamu pernah nangis gara-gara film?
~* yes.. ;p i don't think it's stupid.. i'm a sensitive person anyway..

kamu termasuk orang yang males?
~* yessssssssssss x(

menurut kamu lebih baik sehat atau gendut?
~* duh ?? healthy for sure..

perhiasan apa yang kamu pake tiap hari?
~* i have 6 piercings, 3 on each ears.. those what i wear everyday... oh also a necklace.. i only wear rings etc when i'm in party or formal occasions..

kalimat yang paling romantis yang pernah kamu denger ?
~* you are perfect in your own way.. eventhough people may not know it, but i know that you are perfect for me .. uhuk uhuk... ahiak ahiak xD

objek foto yang paling menarik kamu?
~* human interaction.. human natural feelings..

loe manja ga?
~* no.. but can be :)

sifat kamu tuh kekanak2an apa dewasa gt?
~* most people said i'm mature... but i don't think i am, i find myself i'm still a kid, i don't even know what i wanna be, isn't it childish ??

perna ngiri ma orang pacaran ga?
~* yessssss !! ;p being in a relationship is great...

pernah ke pasar?
~* of course.. but i usually go to supermarket.. hehehe

apakah kmu pernah merasa lelah dgn kehidupan cintamu?
~* yes :)

lalu apa yg kmu lakukan?
~* no idea.. i think i'll leave it up to fate..

merek mie instan apa yang paling kamu suka?
~* indomie minded.. but i also like mie sedap, and some korean noodles..

suka makan sushi ga ?
~* yes..

Demen makan sushi yg isinya apa ?
~* hmm.. eels.. salmon, raw is better than smoked.. hmm what else.. octopus ? maybe.. i usually eat salmon ;)

Kamu biasa manja2an ke siapa ?
~* lovers *wink*

kamu tipe org setia ngak ?
~* i'm pretty confident to say 'YES'

menurutmu enakan ttm ato komitmen?
~* commit !!

menurutmu pacaran liat tampang gmn? then lo sk tmpg bgmn?
~* urrghh.. i hate people who look into appearance !! only hearts and minds matter..

menurutmu bnarkah cinta TIDAK harus memiliki?
~* yes.. sad, but yes..

How many times have you truly been in love?
~* hmm.. twice..

Have you ever thought that you were going to marry the person you were with?
~* yeah once.. but it turns out it's too difficult, so we broke up, and it hurts more.. so i guess i can suggest don't really set your hope too high..

Are you happy being single rather than being relationships?
~* i love being in relationship more... i wish.. hmm.. :(

What is your ideal boyfriend?
~* he has to be mature, because he has to be able to accept me for the way i really am, for what i did, for what i will be..
~* knows what he wants to do..
~* he also has to be smart, i don't mean intelligent but i would love it if he has deep insight about things.. talkative enough because i'm a quiet person..
~* funny enough, because i like someone who can make me laugh..
~* but stricly he has to really love me and be faithful ...

Have you dated people who were not good to you?
~* yes.. and i deeply regret it..

Would you date someone older than you?
~* i'm a girl and that's what girls usually do :)

Ever been given a promise ring?
~* no..

Mo kerja dulu/nikah dulu ?
~* if i can find a job, career's first.. but if i can find someone who can support me entirely, i want to get married hauahuhaua...

Dulu rencana nikah umur brapa ? why?
~* urrgh.. around 25, but i don't think that will happen..

Pengen punya anak brapa?why?
~* 3 .. i don't know why, maybe because my family's also consist of 3 kids.. like what my mom said, one is too quiet, two is still quiet, three is great, more than that is crowded :) i hope i'll have good life to support 3 kids (~_~)
if economically impossible, so it's better be just have one...

Are u photogenic?
~* definitely no .. x( so sad....

Do you drink milk ?
~* yes.. since i was a kid.. my mom gave it twice a day.. i do until high school.. now i onlydrink sometimes, but i really think it really helps to keep healthy, turns out i never got any serious illness..

Do you prefer apple or orange juice ?
~* apple

how often do you check your email ?
~* err.. about every 2 / 3 days

Do you know what a plecostamous is ?
~* no.. i'll google... okay, it's a kind of catfish.. i still don't know what it is :)

Have you ever watched a sunrise rise over the ocean ?
~* no..

Do you prefer wooden or mechanical pencils ?
~* mechanical.. but wooden's fine..

Do you enjoy breaking hearts ?
~* who does ?? pathetic..

Do you believe there is only one ?
~* used to.. but not anymore :)

Have you found your one ?
~* i don't know :) hopefully not yet..

Have you ever waved at someone who was waving at you, only to realize they waved to someone else ?
~* hahaha yes.. so ashamed

Have you ever had to run for your life ?
~* no.. i hope not.. !

Have you ever been to a family reunion ?
~* yes..

If your lover cheated on you and profusely apologized, would you accept the apology ?
~* depends on how he cheated.. i can say maybe i'll give him 2nd chance, but that's it..

Are you allergic to any insect bites ?
~* no.. mosquito bites maybe, they can last for like ever x(

Have you ever been searched by the cops ?
~* lol.. i hope not

Do you close your eyes on roller coasters ?
~* when was a kid, no.. nowadays, yes ehuehue.. i don't know why, i'm afraid of heights now x(

Do you consider yourself creative ?
~* no x(

Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie ?
~* jennifer aniston !!

Do you stay friends with your ex` s ?
~* hmm.. we're not enemy but we don't really talk to each other..

Do you believe in love at first sight ?
~* no.. it's all lust..

Do you like Sushi ?
~* not hating it..

What do you wear to bed ?
~* pyjamas ..lingerie ;p

What shoe size do you have ?
~* 7-8 / 39-40

Have you truly hated anyone ?
~* yessssss

What food do you find disgusting ?
~* things that are not supposed to be eaten of course.. anything extraordinary.. x(

Have you ever been punched in the face ?
~* no

If you only had 24 hours to live, what would you do ?
~* call everyone i know.. saying sorry for what i've done to trouble them.. maybe stay quietly enjoy my every breath .. well in 24 hours you cant do much x(

What do you do when you can`t fall asleep ?
~* keep doing stuffs until i'm tired..

pink or purple?
~* not a pinky girl, but i like it better than purple..

ipod or cd player?
~* ipod surely (~_~)

mk-a or the veronicas?
~* the veronicas.. because i don't know who mk-a is ;p .. the veronica's songs are pretty great..

ice cream or chocolates?
~* ice cream..

newspapers or mags?
~* mags ..

daniel radcliffe or chad michael murray?
~* chad michael murray laaah....

rihanna or beyonce?
~* beyonce's sexier .. ;p

alicia keys or ashanti?
~* alicia keys, although not really a fan

the OC or laguna beach?
~* urrgh.. i don't watch all of them..

HP or computer?
~* computer..

saturday or sunday?
~* saturday !

pussycat dolls or sugababes?
~* PCD !!!

mariah carey or britney?
~* britney fan :)

milkshake or cappucino?
~* milkshake

harry potter or Lord of the ring?
~* harry potter !

mtv or chanel [v] ?
~* i think MTV's better..

sms or chatting?
~* both are fine

id girl or giordano?
~* giordano

roxy or billabong?
~* both are fine :)

america or australia?
~* i love both !!

japan or korea?
~* japan..

Jessica or ashlee Simpson?
~* i like Jessica's better

hilary or haylie duff?
~* hilary !

emma roberts or JoJo?
~* i never heard of emma, so maybe i like JoJo better..

mischa barton or rachel ?
~* mischa's prettier .... but i'm not a fan..

paris hilton or nicole richie?
~* i totally like Paris better.. !!!!!! c'mon nicole, you'll never be like paris.. so start eating, please..

kelly clarkson or carrie?
~* kelly

mary kate or ashley?
~* ashley.. simply because i don't like mary kate's style..

lisa or bart?
~* homer !!!!!!! :D

chocolate or strawberry?
~* chocolate

coffee or tea?
~* hmm.. like choc better heuheuheue.. but gotta choose, hmm.. coffee with milk ?

cosmogirl or go girl?
~* don't read teenage magazine anymore.. i'll choose cosmopolitan..

s'pore or malaysia?
~* singapore i guess.. but i don't like it either hauehuae

china or thailand?
~* i haven't been in thailand before, so i'll take thai for this.. besides, i don't really like china hmm..

~* friends :) wait, does that count as movie ? urrggh.. maybe SAW .. Shark Tale, Fast and Furious..

~* Solo.. Melbourne.. next ?? :)

~* nahhh.. definitely Friends.. Desperate Housewives.. Charmed.. urrgh lots, 3 aren't enough.. now i'm loving Will & Grace .. The Simpsons.. Queer Eye for Straight Guy.. many more..

~* hmm.. more than 3 i guess.. i've been to Jakarta, lol.. consider it's vacation :) then, Yogya, Semarang, Surabaya, Bali.. okay maybe overseas sound more like vacation..
i've been to malaysia & singapore of course ..
Paris, Lourdes .. Hong Kong, Shen Zhen, Guang Zhou..
Perth, Melbourne (^^), Sydney ..
Frankfurt but only at the airport aheuaheuheu.. transit on my way to New York City.. Florida..
okay what else.. urrm.. i think that's all.. i'm wishing to go travelling again!!

~* eBay :p .. friendster, maybe ? ... google ?

~* duh ?? more than 3 surely.. TK Mesen, SD Pangudi Luhur 2, SMP Bintang Laut, SMAn 3 !! then RMIT Univ x( heuheue..

~* anything delicious.. fried.. bit spicy ? heuhuaehue..

angka yang paling kamu suka?
~* i don't have any favourite number

Loe suka komik apa?
~* detective.. horror.. funny.. well basically i read most comics, except action comics

Loe suka novel apa?
~* complicated yet intriguing novel..

Kalo chicklit/teenlit?
~* not a fan

Novel fiksi?
~* it's okay :P

Loe bisa masak?
~* i can but i'm not expert..

HP loe on 24 jam?
~* yes..

Loe percaya horoskop?
~* not really

Lebih suka shopping atau ngafe?
~* shopping !! ;p

Loe gampang percaya orang?
~* unfortunately yes x(

martabak, enak ga?
~* yes it's okay..

Bisa jatuh cinta sama sohib lawan jenis?
~* yes i think so..

Apa yg lo lakuin kalo ada sapi tanya ma lo dmn anaknya?
~* 'minta maaf, anaknya empuk sekale.. =)~~' heuheuheue this is actually Andre's answer but i love it xD

Apa yg lo lakuin kalo pacar lo bilang "hidup gw tanpa lo sama kyk malam tanpa bulan"?
~* nyaut 'ah masa? gombal' ;p

Apa yg lo lakuin kalo ada kucing ngajak ngomong lo?
~* there are 2 possibilities.. first , i'll bring the cat home, and i will contact Ripley's Believe it or not.. damn i'll be rich.. OR .. I'll get scared I'd probably run away anyway auehuaheuaehue...

Apa yg lo lakuin kalo tukang siomay lo ternyata batman?
~* i don't care.. i still ask him to made me siomay anyway heuheuheue.. well maybe taking photos heuheuheue..

Apa yang lo lakuin kalo liat srigala lagi mandi?
~* run before he bite me..

Apa lo suka makan sayur?
~* urrghh i'm definitely more carnivore ;p but i don't mind eating brocollies, cabbage, lettuce,tomatoes, carrots.. that's all..

Apa lo suka minum air?
~* not really.. i don't really drink much, i know it's bad, i'll try to cut this habit..

Apa lo suka makan jengkol, pete dan sejenisnya?
~* NO !

Apa lo pernah ciuman ama temen lo?
~* muahahahaha yes ;p

Apa lo pernah marah?
~* who doesnt?

Apa lo pernah ga mandi dalam sehari?
~* mwahaha yes .. my record's a week without shower mwahahaha...

apa lo pernah jatoh kalo jalan?
~* of course.. but only happened for like 4 times.. i'm not clumsy

Apa lo pernah mencuri , ayoo ngaku!!
~* yes.. i'm honest :)

Apa lo pernah makan di warteg?
~* no..

Apa lo pernah ditangkap polisi?
~* no..

Apa lo pernah stress ampe ky org gila?
~* nearly yes..

Apa lo pernah salah masuk WC?
~* yeah twice..

Apa lo pernah coba pakaian lawan jenis ?
~* yes heuheuheue...

kalo kamu karakter komik/hero kamu ingin jadi?
~* richie rich.. si untung bebek.. anyone who's rich ;D

kalo punya kantong doraemon kamu ingin punya?
~* if i have doraemon's pocket of course i have everything in it.. but maybe i'll use 'kotak andaikan' often ;p

kalo boleh milih hidup di jaman apa, kamu mau hidup di jaman?
~* jaman kaya digame rpg.. but that doesn't exist right eueue.. i don't know.. i'm quite happy with this time right now..

kalo boleh jadi binatang sehari kamu jadi?
~* rich people's pets..

kalo kamu, mendingan punya sayap atau bisa nafas di dalam air?
~* have wings... underwater's cold heuheuheue...

kalo film yang you wish you were in apaan?
~* lol.. i have no idea.. any movie where i can kiss the gorgeous actors xD

kalo bisa ilangin seseorang, sapa yg bakalan ilangin?
~* jerk and asshole bastards..

kalo dapet satu lantai penuh di salah satu gedung di jalan Sudirman mau dipake buat apa?
~* penthouse.. *dreaming*

kalo boleh bikin pesta di istana bogor,kamu bikin pesta apa?
~* no idea.. costume party i think

kalo kamu bisa ngundang makan malam satu orang hollywood star kamu akan ngundang sapa?
~* hm... johnny depp ? heuheue.. i don't know.. any good looking man who's available..

kalo boleh ngeband bareng band top,kamu akan pilih dengan:
~* L`arc~e`Ciel ... huaehuheue...

kalo ada satu orang yang boleh lo tampar saat ini juga lo mau tampar siapa
~* people who has ruined my life..

kalo hidup lo difilmkan, yang main peran lo siapa
~* myself.. because i don't think anyone would understand what i feel

kalo lo ketemu jin lampu di tengah jalan?
~* take it home.. asking for thousand whishes *greedy* xD

kalo besok semua orang di dunia jadi vegetarian lo mo makan apa hari ini?
~* meat of course..

kalo lo boleh menguasai hilton jakarta?
~* dreaming ehueheue.. i don't know...

[ ] I have run more than 2 miles without stopping
[ ] I have been to Canada
[ ] I have been on some sort of sports team
[x] I have watched cartoons for hours before
[ ] I have tripped UP the stairs
[ ] have fallen down an entire flight of stairs
[ ] have been snowboarding/skiing
[ ] I have played ping pong
[ ] I swam in the ocean
[x] I have been on a whale watch
[x] I have seen fireworks
[ ] I have seen a shooting star
[ ] I have seen a meteor shower
[ ] I have almost drowned
[x] I have been so embarrassed I wanted to disappear
[x] I have listened to one cd over & over & over again
[ ] I have had stitch(es)
[ ] I have licked a frozen pole and got stuck there.
[x] I have stayed up til 6am doing homework/projects
[x] I have had a job
[ ] I have been ice skating
[x] I have been rollerblading
[ ] I have fallen flat on my face
[x] I have tripped over my own two feet
[ ] I have been in a fist fight
[x] I have played videogames for more than 3 hours straight ( i can even last for 20 hours ;p )
[x] I have watched The Power Rangers
[ ] I do / have attended Church regularly
[ ] I have played truth or dare
[x] I have already had my 16th birthday
[x] I have already had my 17th birthday
[x] I've called someone stupid. And i mean it
[x] I've been in a verbal argument
[ ] I've cried in school
[ ] I've played basketball on a team
[ ] I've played softball on a team
[ ] I've played football on a team
[ ] I've played soccer on a team
[ ] I've done cheerleading on a team
[ ] I've swam on a team
[x] I've been swimming more than 20 times in my life
[ ] I've bungee jumped
[ ] I've climbed a rock wall before
[ ] I've lost more than $20
[x] I've called myself an idiot
[x] I've called someone else an idiot
[x] I've cried myself to sleep
[x] I've had (or have) pets
[x]I've owned a Spice Girls cd. and or tape
[x] I've owned a Britney Spears cd
[ ] I've owned an N*Sync cd
[x] I've owned a Backstreet Boys cd
[ ] Ive mooned someone
[ ] I've sworn at someone in authority
[ ] I've been in the schoolnewspaper / insights
[ ] I've been on TV
[x] I've eaten sushi
[ ] I've been on the other side of a waterfall
[ ] I've watched all of the Lord of the Rings movies
[x] I've watched all the Harry Potter movies
[ ] I've watched the 3 Stooges at least once
[x] I've watched "Newlyweds" Nick & Jessica
[x] I've watched Looney Tunes before
[ ] I've been stuffed into a locker
[ ] I've been called a geek
[x] I've studied hard for a test and got a bad grade
[x] I've not studied at all for a test and aced it
[x] I've met a celebrity / music / TV artist
[x] I've written poetry.
[ ] I've been arrested
[ ] I've been attracted to someone much older than me
[x] I've been tickled till I've cried
[ ] I've tickled someone else until they cried
[x] I've had / have siblings
[ ] Ive been to a rock concert
[x] Ive listened to classical music and enjoyed it
[ ] I've been in a play
[ ] I've been picked last in gym class
[ ] I've been picked first in gym class or so
[ ] I've cried in front of my friends
[ ] I've read a book longer than 1,000 pages
[ ] I've freaked out over a sports game
[ ] I’ve vomited in public
[ ] I've washed someone else’s vomit
[ ] I’ve ran away
[ ] I’ve had a stalker
[x] I've had a fight with someone on txt
[x] I've had a fight with someone face-to-face
[ ] I've been on a car accident
[x] I've forgiven someone who has done something bad to me
[ ] I've personally seen someone die
[ ] I've been confronted by a police officer but got away
[x] I've lost someone who meant the world to me
[ ] I've had crashed a party
[ ] I've been a member of a school office
[ ] I've been suspended from class

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