Tuesday, October 31, 2006

kepalsuan diri

People don't really show their true selves anymore.
Seiring berjalannya waktu, manusia semakin pintar untuk menyembunyikan sejatinya.
Or maybe it's natural instinct ?

Nowadays, it's difficult to find people that really be themselves.
It is more likely to find them having different faces/images.
Memudahkan hidup, memang...
In my cynical view, and like quoted from The Island movie, people will do everything to survive..
even they have to fake themselves...
Some people normally will fake it to get what they want.
Putting the good mask on to suck up, hoping to get something good in return. You know another word for it ? Bitches/Losers.

Or they'd do it because it makes them easier to face this world. Yeah let's just behave good in the community, then we'll have quiet and nice life ?

Or probably it's just polite to treat someone good, whether you'd care or not. Saying ourselves a good friend but eventually we'll just drift further away because life makes us to do it. Some people will just drift away because they don't really need you in their life. Are these good friends?

Someone said, 'Teman2 palsu ya?'
Hehehe.. maybe you're right :p.

Then, who can you trust in this world ?


Anonymous said...

ya... begitulah Nanz... emang bener... people fake themselves to survive... I know... coz I was in that position to be honest... en some people fake themselves to be accepted in the community... to be liked... but.. it ended up hurting their own selves... weleh... kok jadi ceramah ya aku... hihihi... anywayz... me out now... trying to hide no longer... uda lebaran neh... mo'on maap lahir bathin ya... hihihi

Anonymous said...

weksss... ganti layout lagi/??? rajin benerrr... sekalian gantiin aku punya duoonnkkk :D

nCy.voiLa said...

huan mau kaya apa, bilang aja mau gambar apa trus formatnya gmn, ntar aku bikinin..