Thursday, September 27, 2012

Wake Me Up When September Ends 23

26-27 SEPT 2012

The idea of waiting for something makes it more exciting. ” 

Of all the hardships a person had to face, 
none was more punishing than the simple act of waiting. ” 

Dear, you...

It's almost the end of September. It's getting closer. Only few days more, and I guess I will see you again?
To be honest, I have mixed feelings. Since few days ago, I get really nervous when I think about you. Ada perasaan seperti deg-deg'an, terkadang merasa seperti sesak, atau takut? I don't know it's kinda like I'm having a breakdown. Even with I tried to calm myself down for the past two days, I am still feeling nervous as I typed this post. 

Di satu sisi, I am really excited to see you again. Got really impatient and really hoping that the day of you promised to be back here, will come soon. I miss you so much. I can rewind memories about us over and over again, just to remember about you. 
But on the other side, I am also scared. We don't even talk to each other for a month, so I am kinda scared that things might be different between us. Will you be different? Will you act differently towards me? Will you stay? Those are the things that always run in my mind. 
Guess I just have to wait and see. But in all seriousness, it is true that even though it is exciting, to have something to wait for, the waiting and anticipation itself do make me really nervous.

Frankly, I am not ready for another goodbye. The thing I am scared the most is if you really is saying goodbye. I am just not ready to let you go, even though I should. I know that worrying too much won't get me better. As I pray, I hope you will come back as the better old you, not the brand new you that I don't recognize anymore. :( You see, I love you and I don't want to lose you because my life has been better since the day I found you.-@damnitstrue

01 October 2012
I want this day to be magical.


So about my days....
Well I can't do what I planned before. Remember that I told you that I might be going to Sby to attend the KPIN? Turned out I can't :(. Due to work situation. The manager requires me to do a  report that is basically a bit more thorough report of what I am doing weekly, which is actually not too hard to do, but I need to check everything thoroughly so it takes more time. I can not take days off to go out-town.
Feeling so bummed about this.
I sometimes feel tired of my days. I am not sure if it's because of my low-mood of not having you here, although I think it does count, or maybe because I have very little energy right now.
Hmm.. maybe I do need to start working out regularly soon. Like going to gym or something.

And I do get an invitation to do blood-donor thing again from the company on Monday, which is the 01 Oct. I might be doing it, it's been a while since the last time I did it, so maybe if we do meet up at night, I hope I am strong enough. 

Quick news,
I checked up on Zorro's ears just now. Was planning to clean it as usual, but turns out it was injured a lil bit. :( I was suspicious when I playfully slap his left ear earlier, he squeaked. I knew something must be wrong. So before bed, I tried to look at it, and it did look bad. Not really bad, just some redness, but it's a bit moist. I'm guessing there must be an ear infection due to fungus again, as it had happened before, but it is worse because it actually gets wet constantly, and I blame Cleo for this because she always bites Zorro's ear when she plays with him. (T_T) I need to take Zorro tomorrow to the vet, so I plan on taking a day off of work. Zorro looks okay though, still very happy and excited and hyperactive. He just doesn't want me to check on his ears. Maybe he's scared it will hurt. He doesn't look like he's hurting. He does try to scratch his ear a lot. I don't want to wait til Saturday to take him to the vet. 

I miss Ruffy. Really I DO. (T_T) How is she? I hope she's okay.

....... awkwardly waiting for you.

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